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Image ref no   0502/026
Caption   The Pontifical High Mass in the Phoenix Park during the 31st International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin (1932)
Description   The Pontifical High Mass in the Phoenix Park during the 31st International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin, 1932. This mass marked the end of the 31st International Eucharistic Congress. The group in the foreground consists of priests. The altar is surrounded by members of the Catholic Boy Scouts of Ireland.

The 31st International Eucharistic Congress was held in Dublin from 22 - 26 June, 1932. It commemorated the 1500th anniversary of the mission of Saint Patrick to Ireland.

Collection   RTÉ Murtagh Collection  
Date of photograph   26/Jun/1932
(26/Jun/1932 - 26/Jun/1932)  
Rights holder   RTÉ  
The Pontifical High Mass in the Phoenix Park during the 31st International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin (1932) ×
 image for id 0502/026