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Image ref no   0504/068
Caption   The Four Courts fire (1922)
Description   During the Civil War smoke rises above the city of Dublin, after the Irregulars ammunition store in the grounds of the Four Courts, was hit by a Free State shell on 30 June 1922.
The Free State Army were attempting to retake the Four Courts from the Republicans under Rory O'Connor, who had occupied the building in April 1922.

The Queen Maeve Bridge is in the background (centre) across the River Liffey. This bridge is also known as Mellowes Bridge, Mellow's Bridge, Queen's Bridge and Queen's Street Bridge. Ellis Quay is in the foreground (left) and Usher's Island is in the foreground to the right of shot.

The Four Courts derives its name from the traditional divisions of the Irish judicial system; Chancery, King's Bench, Exchequer, and Common Pleas. It was designed by James Gandon in the late eighteenth century.

Collection   RTÉ Cashman Collection  
Photographer   Cashman, Joseph (1881-1969)  
Date of photograph   01/Jan/1922
(01/Jan/1922 - 01/Jan/1922)  
Rights holder   RTÉ  
The Four Courts fire (1922) ×
 image for id 0504/068