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Image ref no   2322/060
Caption   Panellists during RTÉ Television election results coverage (1981)
Programme   General Election 1981  
Programme type    
Personalities/Groups   Chubb, Basil (1921 - 2002)
Sinnott, Richard
Wall, Frank
Kelly, John (1931 - 1991)
O'Leary, Michael (1936 - 2006 )
Description   A discussion panel during RTÉ Television's general election results coverage in Studio 1 on 12 June 1981. From left to right; political scientist Basil Chubb, Richard Sinnott of UCD's (University College Dublin) Department of Ethics and Politics, Fianna Fáil general secretary Frank Wall, John Kelly of Fine Gael and Michael O'Leary of Labour. The 1981 election was held on 11 June that year and returned a Fine Gael-Labour coalition government.

RTÉ Television and Radio provided comprehensive coverage of the election results, full details of which can be found in the RTÉ Guide on 5 June 1981.  
Collection   RTÉ Stills Department  
Photographer   Holton, Thomas  
Date of photograph   12/Jun/1981
(12/Jun/1981 - 12/Jun/1981)  
Rights holder   RTÉ  
Panellists during RTÉ Television election results coverage (1981) ×
 image for id 2322/060